Danger Chip - Level Summary Chip's Challenge CyberCafe 1: This Isn't My Last Level Set! WPBS Hint: Chips Challenge Forever Time limit: 300 Chips Required: 151 2: The Works IHFH Hint: Ay Curumba! Time limit: 400 Chips Required: 150 3: They Chatter In The Night QMNT Time limit: 0 Chips Required: 25 4: Jungle Gym JTAA Hint: Don't Go Up Yet. Go Down! Time limit: 0 Chips Required: 18 5: Obsessed With Keys and Locks NOFI Hint: Leave the last set of chips alone by the green door. Wait till the Paramecia have left the area and into the water Time limit: 400 Chips Required: 143 6: Where Am I? IBOI Time limit: 600 Chips Required: 38 7: Jenny From The Block BICD Hint: That was a tough level. Time limit: 0 Chips Required: 147 8: A Problem With Bombs SLVM Time limit: 0 Chips Required: 68 9: Auto Block WSAS Hint: Get A Clue Time limit: 0 Chips Required: 20 10: Dancing Fire MXJP Hint: Some parts of the level have nothing to do with the name. Time limit: 300 Chips Required: 108 11: Your Imagination JFHK Hint: Abba, Kadabra, Zippidy Doo. Something Will Change When You Come Back Though. Time limit: 100 Chips Required: 15 12: Icy Blocks OFEV Hint: Don't go crazy with the cloning button. Use it wisely Time limit: 200 Chips Required: 7 13: Hell Boy HECK Hint: Move Every 2nd Block. Also, Don't Foget to visit The Hot Spring Time limit: 500 Chips Required: 46 14: Finding Nemo MENO Hint: You Found Nemo! Time limit: 200 Chips Required: 26 15: Hard. Isn't It? JXNT Time limit: 500 Chips Required: 50 16: Bonanza REVU Time limit: 0 Chips Required: 56 17: The Frogs Entertain You QJGT Hint: These frog monsters are good for something. Time limit: 400 Chips Required: 53 18: Pokemon WHRK Hint: For best results, fill in all the water. Time limit: 0 Chips Required: 11 19: Da Boom Crew YXLF Hint: Push Da Button And Watch. This is a short level. Time limit: 330 Chips Required: 11 20: The Great Key Maze (The End) KOJM Hint: Thanks to CCEdit. Can you make it though the key maze? Make a wrong move and you will run of of keys. Time limit: 300 Chips Required: 0